Featured Spotlight Recording – Our Gift To You!
Cassandra Vieten, PhD
The Science of What Connects Us
Featured Speakers: (click photo to learn more)
With Host:
Director of Peace
The Shift Network
It can be discouraging, even heartbreaking, to hear of tragedies and violence happening in all corners of the world. Witnessing racism, corruption, environmental destruction and human rights abuses in the media — or first-hand — can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused about what you can do to create real, lasting change.
And it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that there's also a parallel narrative emerging...
This parallel story is an exciting merging of spirituality, neuroscience and peacebuilding with innovative solutions expanding across the globe.
Through these efforts, a new path forward is being revealed... one that embraces the spiritual dimensions, as well as grounded, practical actions that can transform difficult situations locally and globally.
Now YOU have the opportunity to join this rising tide of change agents and deepen your activism through your spiritual practice — and deepen your spiritual practice through your activism! Plus, you can learn how neuroscience is helping peacebuilders and spiritual practitioners understand the mechanics behind true personal and social transformation.
Inspiring Positive Social Change, taking place July 11-September 5, will feature passionate and inspiring leaders in the important fields of spirituality, neuroscience, peacebuilding, compassion and peace education. They’ll provide insights and skills that can be applied to your daily life — in your family, friendships, business partnerships and service in the world.
Inspiring Positive Social Change shines a light on practical, effective and inspiring ways you can BE peace and promote change in your life.
Here’s a peek at what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:
Andrew Harvey will offer powerful insights into Sacred Activism. |
Joanna Macy will talk about the Great Turning and how you can best participate in this epic transition to a life-sustaining planetary culture. |
Sharif Abdullah will speak about practical ways to create a society in line with our deepest spiritual values — a global society that includes all people and peoples. |
Melanie Greenberg will share insights from an innovative initiative called Rewiring the Brain for Peace. |
Rabbi Michael Lerner will shed light on Spiritual Activism — including key strategies in working for change under the current political administration | |
Chief Phil Lane, Jr. will join Dena Merriam for a conversation about the inner dimensions of climate change — how our spiritual values impact the environment and our collective future. |
Audri Scott Williams will highlight ways to apply Indigenous wisdom to social healing and peacebuilding. |
James O’Dea will discuss Conscious Activism — where mysticism meets activism. |
As you step forward and say “YES!” to this growing movement, you are fulfilling not only your calling, but your highest potential... embodying the soul of peace and peacebuilding.
They also share how this path — one of change for the greater good — is a profound spiritual journey, pushing the limits of our human potential and redefining what’s possible.
Do your little bit of good where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
— Desmond Tutu
Designed as a 2-day kick off event (July 11 & 12), followed by a weekly series (Tuesdays, July 18 - September 5), Inspiring Positive Social Change will teach you invaluable techniques in stress reduction, overcoming fear and self-doubt, developing self-esteem, cultivating compassion and forgiveness, communication skills, community peacebuilding, conscious activism and living from a place of inner resilience and Oneness.
We’ve curated an exclusive collection of speakers and sessions for the curriculum in this series:
2-Day Kick-Off (July 11-12)
Programming all day with peacebuilders from many perspectives
Week One: Mindfulness & Compassion (July 18)
Featuring interviews with Emily Hine, Sharon Salzberg, Rhonda V. Magee & Jeena Cho
Week Two: Peaceful and Compassionate Communication (July 25)
Featuring interviews with Roxy Manning, Deborah Rozman & Rita Marie Johnson
Week Three: Forgiveness (August 1)
Featuring interviews with Azim Khamisa, Gerald G. Jampolsky, Diane Cirincione & Colin Tipping
Week Four: Bridging Divides in Relationships, Communities & Politics (August 8)
Featuring interviews with Mark Gerzon, Shariff Abdullah, Martin Hellman & Dorothie Hellman
Week Five: Rewiring the Brain for Peace (August 15)
Featuring interviews with Dara Ghahremani, Jeremy Richman, Sabrina N'Diaye & Donna Hicks
Week Six: Nonviolence: Lessons from Gandhi and King, Where Do We Stand Today (August 22)
Featuring interviews with Michael Nagler, Stephanie Van Hook, Erica Chenoweth & Rev. James Lawson
Week Seven: Inner Dimensions of Climate Change: Right Relationship with the Earth and All Communities Life (August 29)
Featuring interviews with Dena Merriam & Chief Phil Lane, Jr.
Week Eight: Subtle Activism: The Power of Prayer and Meditation for Personal and Social Transformation (September 5)
Featuring interviews with David Nicol, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Joanna Macy & Sean Kelly
During this unparalleled event, you’ll discover:
- New mindsets for breakthrough innovations for achieving our highest human potential
- Powerful insights into Sacred and Conscious Activism
- Emerging neuroscience research behind conflict and peacebuilding — how humans are wired for fight-flight-freeze and also compassion, cooperation and altruism
- How to rewire your brain for peace
- How to move from being overwhelmed by global events, to taking practical, positive action right where you are right now
- Practical skills for building resilience and preventing burnout in peacebuilding work
- How to shift your worldview to be more inclusive, open and positive
- Practices for transforming anger into positive action and promoting peace in your family, schools and communities
- Practical skills for communicating more compassionately and peacefully, even when you're upset
- The innovative science and practices of peace education
- Ways to be part of a growing global movement of peace education
Plus you’ll discover how you can bring the soul of peace to your home, school, place of worship — and our global family.
How you show up in the world now has more importance than ever. The world needs YOU!
Join us for Inspiring Positive Social Change to receive the wisdom, guidance and practical skills to become a more loving, kind and effective ambassador for change.